2014. május 30., péntek

INFOGRAPHIC: Why It’s So Important to Properly Recycle and Dispose Old Electronics

infographic, reader submitted content, e waste, ecycle best, old electronics, recycling, recycling gadgets, recycled electronics,

It can be hard to resist upgrading your gadget for the latest shiny device, but have you ever wondered what becomes of old electronics once they get replaced? This infographic from eCycle Best shows why it’s so important to dispose of your unwanted or broken devices properly. Gadgets that are reused or recycled can help save millions of dollars, conserve natural resources, and even generate jobs. Devices headed for the landfill or shipped to e-waste centers, however, not only have devastating effects on the environment, but can be very harmful to the people dismantling the devices. To learn more, check out the full infographic after the jump!

infographic, reader submitted content, e waste, ecycle best, old electronics, recycling, recycling gadgets, recycled electronics, infographic, reader submitted content, e waste, ecycle best, old electronics, recycling, recycling gadgets, recycled electronics,

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