2014. december 30., kedd

Sukkarboard is a temporary, lightweight shelter made from recycled cardboard and newspaper

Sukkarboard, Gianluca Pelizzi, Pelizzi Architettura, paper mache, SukkahPDX, SukkahPDX2014, Portland, Sukkah, Sukkot, reader submitted content, temporary architecture

Italian architecture firm Pelizzi Architettura designed the Sukkarboard, a temporary, lightweight shelter made from cardboard boxes and newspaper. Constructed using paper mache techniques for the weeklong Jewish festival of Sukkot, the blocky structure explores the ever-changing relationships between light and shadow; material and void; and presence and absence. The design placed first in the 2014 SukkahPDX, an outside design competition hosted by the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education in Portland, Oregon.

+ Pelizzi Architettura

Sukkarboard, Gianluca Pelizzi, Pelizzi Architettura, paper mache, SukkahPDX, SukkahPDX2014, Portland, Sukkah, Sukkot, reader submitted content, temporary architecture Sukkarboard, Gianluca Pelizzi, Pelizzi Architettura, paper mache, SukkahPDX, SukkahPDX2014, Portland, Sukkah, Sukkot, reader submitted content, temporary architecture Sukkarboard, Gianluca Pelizzi, Pelizzi Architettura, paper mache, SukkahPDX, SukkahPDX2014, Portland, Sukkah, Sukkot, reader submitted content, temporary architecture Sukkarboard, Gianluca Pelizzi, Pelizzi Architettura, paper mache, SukkahPDX, SukkahPDX2014, Portland, Sukkah, Sukkot, reader submitted content, temporary architecture Sukkarboard, Gianluca Pelizzi, Pelizzi Architettura, paper mache, SukkahPDX, SukkahPDX2014, Portland, Sukkah, Sukkot, reader submitted content, temporary architecture

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