2015. december 22., kedd

Repurposed traffic barrels reactivate a forgotten public space in El Paso

flash installation by agency, flash installation, agency, El Paso, Texas Tech University architecture students, Texas Tech University, public space, reactivate public space, urban intervention, reader submitted content

Architects Ersela Kripa and Stephen Mueller, partners at AGENCY, have teamed up with a group of Texas Tech University architecture students to design FLASH INSTALLATION, a pop-up architectural installation made from repurposed traffic barrels. Threaded together, the suspended barrels create a ‘barrel cloud’ that sways en masse, creating patterns of light and shadow. The creative project helped reactivate the underused canopy and parking lot into an engaging public space.

flash installation by agency, flash installation, agency, El Paso, Texas Tech University architecture students, Texas Tech University, public space, reactivate public space, urban intervention, reader submitted content flash installation by agency, flash installation, agency, El Paso, Texas Tech University architecture students, Texas Tech University, public space, reactivate public space, urban intervention, reader submitted content flash installation by agency, flash installation, agency, El Paso, Texas Tech University architecture students, Texas Tech University, public space, reactivate public space, urban intervention, reader submitted content flash installation by agency, flash installation, agency, El Paso, Texas Tech University architecture students, Texas Tech University, public space, reactivate public space, urban intervention, reader submitted content

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