2014. május 6., kedd

1600 Paper Mache Pandas Pop Up in Hong Kong to Raise Awareness for Endangered Animals

green design, eco design, sustainable design, 1600 Pandas World Tour, Paulo Grangeon, 1600 Pandas World Tour Hong Kong, Clock Tower at the Hong Kong Cultural Piazza, Victoria Park HK, World Wildlife Fund

Artist Paulo Grangeon is raising awareness for the conservation of endangered species by sculpting 1600 panda bears out of recycled materials and papier-mâché! The sculptures will brighten days of passersby in ten locations across Hong Kong during the month of June. Grangeon’s project seeks to bolster the government’s “Conserving Central” initiative by using the adorable pandas as unofficial mascots.

green design, eco design, sustainable design, 1600 Pandas World Tour, Paulo Grangeon, 1600 Pandas World Tour Hong Kong, Clock Tower at the Hong Kong Cultural Piazza, Victoria Park HK, World Wildlife Fund green design, eco design, sustainable design, 1600 Pandas World Tour, Paulo Grangeon, 1600 Pandas World Tour Hong Kong, Clock Tower at the Hong Kong Cultural Piazza, Victoria Park HK, World Wildlife Fund green design, eco design, sustainable design, 1600 Pandas World Tour, Paulo Grangeon, 1600 Pandas World Tour Hong Kong, Clock Tower at the Hong Kong Cultural Piazza, Victoria Park HK, World Wildlife Fund green design, eco design, sustainable design, 1600 Pandas World Tour, Paulo Grangeon, 1600 Pandas World Tour Hong Kong, Clock Tower at the Hong Kong Cultural Piazza, Victoria Park HK, World Wildlife Fund

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