2014. augusztus 31., vasárnap

Ingenious Cardboard Packaging Folds to Fit Parcels of Any Shape

UPS, packaging, green, eco, cardboard, paper, shipping, is it green, sung

Excessive packaging is one of our top pet peeves here at Inhabitat, so we were really inspired by this flat cardboard sheet that is capable of conforming to the shape of any object, saving a bundle on wasteful filler. Designed by Patrick Sung, the packaging design concept features triangulated perforations that allow it to bend around odd forms. This could also save on fuel for shipping, since all of that wasted box filler is eliminated.

UPS, packaging, green, eco, cardboard, paper, shipping, is it green, sung UPS, packaging, green, eco, cardboard, paper, shipping, is it green, sung UPS, packaging, green, eco, cardboard, paper, shipping, is it green, sung UPS, packaging, green, eco, cardboard, paper, shipping, is it green, sung

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