2017. május 16., kedd

Anyone can be a designer using this amazing modular system made from cardboard stools

Spaceship Heart, Collective Paper Aesthetics, modular system, cardboard, cardboard architecture, interactive installation, New York City, Design Pavilion, Times Square, modular design

This amazing “spaceship” playhouse can be assembled in an endless variety of combinations – and it’s made entirely from kid’s folded cardboard stools. Noa Haim of Collective Paper Aesthetics conceived the innovative project that allows everyone to become a designer – and he’s taken the concept on tour around the world. It’s coming the Design Pavilion at Times Square from May 18th and 22nd, so swing on by for a chance to experience the interactive installation and create your own designs.

Spaceship Heart, Collective Paper Aesthetics, modular system, cardboard, cardboard architecture, interactive installation, New York City, Design Pavilion, Times Square, modular designSpaceship Heart, Collective Paper Aesthetics, modular system, cardboard, cardboard architecture, interactive installation, New York City, Design Pavilion, Times Square, modular design

The design team, led by Noa Haim, conceived Spaceship Heart system as a blank canvas like for people to create their own architectural/urban models. They originally designed the project for the Shenzhen and Hong Kong bi-city biennale of urbanism architecture 2011 and then reconstructed for IX Semana de la Arquitectura in Madrid and he Victoria & Albert museum in London.

Related: Tiny Helix Shelter made of laster-cut recycled cardboard is a temporary habitat for one

Spaceship Heart, Collective Paper Aesthetics, modular system, cardboard, cardboard architecture, interactive installation, New York City, Design Pavilion, Times Square, modular design

During the five-day event in New York, visitors will have the opportunity to create their own structures. The project will be among several interactive projects that will bring design and innovation directly to Times Square’s newly renovated plazas.

+ Collective Paper AestheticsSpaceship Heart, Collective Paper Aesthetics, modular system, cardboard, cardboard architecture, interactive installation, New York City, Design Pavilion, Times Square, modular designSpaceship Heart, Collective Paper Aesthetics, modular system, cardboard, cardboard architecture, interactive installation, New York City, Design Pavilion, Times Square, modular design

Spaceship Heart, Collective Paper Aesthetics, modular system, cardboard, cardboard architecture, interactive installation, New York City, Design Pavilion, Times Square, modular design

from INHABITAT http://ift.tt/2qnncgo
via Inhabitat

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