2015. október 20., kedd

Bloom is an electric kettle that recycles steam for cooking, making it safe for kids to get involved

electrolux design lab, bloom, smart kettle, recycled steam, jordan lee martin, design lab product design, design lab 2015

Add this one to the list of product concepts that we wish would become real things. A “super kettle” called Bloom offers a smart and safe way for kids to get more involved in the kitchen. The invention, which scored its designer the top award in the Electrolux Design Lab this year, is an electric water kettle that makes the most of energy by reusing the steam generated from boiling water. Since the competition’s theme was “Healthy Happy Kids,” Bloom was created as a way to engage kids in food preparation without risk of getting burned on a hot stove or by scorching steam.

electrolux design lab, bloom, smart kettle, recycled steam, jordan lee martin, design lab product design, design lab 2015 electrolux design lab, bloom, smart kettle, recycled steam, jordan lee martin, design lab product design, design lab 2015 electrolux design lab, bloom, smart kettle, recycled steam, jordan lee martin, design lab product design, design lab 2015 electrolux design lab, bloom, smart kettle, recycled steam, jordan lee martin, design lab product design, design lab 2015

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